Welcome to the Region of Peel Bid Opportunities Website

Update on the Province’s Efficiencies Review

The introduction of the Peel Transition Implementation Act, 2024, was announced by the Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on December 12, 2024, which, if passed, would transfer the delivery of some public works services from Peel Region to Brampton, Caledon, and Mississauga. Please review our posting titled Communication in bids&tenders for further details. 

Update New and Enhanced Vendor Performance Management Program

We’re excited to announce that Peel Region has been committed to working on improving the current Vendor Performance Management (VPM) Program and updating the Vendor Code of Conduct (VCC). Both will be launching on January 20, 2025. 
Please review our posting titled Communication - VPM in bids&tenders for more details. Please also register for an info session for more information https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/24aa8ba7-6a19-40f0-b82c-0185ed182570@356f99f3-9d86-47a1-8203-3b41b1cb0c68

This site allows vendors to easily access open bid opportunities posted by the Region of Peel. To access bid opportunities and download documents, vendors need to have a bidding system vendor account. For step-by-step instructions on how to create an account please refer to the Vendor Guide

When opening an account, vendors will select commodity codes for goods and services and construction. Peel’s bidding system will notify vendors by email of bid opportunities matching their commodity code selection.

The Region's only form of security is digital bonds. Contact your surety provider in advance to arrange for the preparation of your digital bond as this process can take several weeks.

Region of Peel employees are not permitted to seek or accept any gifts, entertainment, payments, fees, services, valuable privileges, or other favours from any vendors, individuals or businesses that have any dealings with the Region. This includes lunches, dinners and parties during holiday periods or otherwise. We would ask that you refrain from making any such offerings to Region of Peel staff as they will be declined and any gifts will be returned where possible. 

If, for any reason, we are unable to return a gift received during the holiday period, we will donate it to the Holiday Gift Initiative organized by the Region’s Human Services Department. These gifts will be distributed by the Region’s Ontario Works division to families in need within Peel region.

Peel is a participating agency in Co-operative procurements with the following co-operative buying groups, public bodies and agencies:

If you have questions about a specific bid opportunity, please use the Submit a Question feature for each bid opportunity. For technical support, please contact support via email at support@bidsandtenders.ca or phone at 1-800-594-4798.

The following is a list of our current online bid opportunities. Please refer to the Bid Status column in the list to determine if the bid is open, closed or awarded.



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Mailing Address: 10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A Room 101, Brampton, ON L6T 4B9, Canada 

Phone: 905-791-7800 • Toll-free: 1-888-919-7800 • E-mail:procurement@peelregion.ca